50daysofshades day 104-01 Stephen Wells Back to School

#50DaysOfShades Day 104 of 50 – Back to School

I have been seeing lots of back-to-school posts in my social feeds over the last few days and something inside of me wanted to say, ‘good luck (with your next academic year’. But instantly there was a knot in my chest.

We should not need to wish people luck with their education!

So, what did I really mean?

It is something like this:
Be curious, have fun, listen intently, ask questions (for clarity), ask questions (for insights), be prepared to hear the answers (especially when you don’t understand or agree). Play with ideas and concepts as much as memorising the information. Be actively involved in your learning.

Learn how to learn (how you learn), visual, auditory, reading/writing, or kinesthetic etc (we are never 100% in one style and there are more than I’ve listed). Not so that you only ever use that style and dismiss the rest, but so that you know when that little bit more patience and attention is required.

Obviously, all age dependant too, so in general ‘good luck’ 😊
And for those of us that are not going back to school, this all still applies. We can be active in our own growth and learning too. Be it out of necessity or for the pleasure/fun of learning.


What have you learnt recently?
Was it for pleasure or out of necessity?

#businesscoach #businesscoaching #backtoschool #learntolearn #havefun #becurious

50daysofshades day 104-01 Stephen Wells Back to School

What are you doing?

One of the big questions about this project is explained in more depth on Day 4

Interested in business coaching?

Posted in 50DaysOfShades.