#50DaysOfShades Day 18 of 50 – Going with the flow

There are lots of angles on this one, which I’ll probably expand on another day, but today was definitely about going with the flow and seeing what happens.

The picture is from another classic car meet, this time at Burghfield Spices / The Hatch Gate

It was very much an ‘If I get there I get there’ if not I’ll work something else out for a picture.

A nice selections of cars in attendance and again the conversations of what people should and maybe should not do to their cars came up. Along with lots of stories of ‘I had one of those x years ago’.

#50DaysOfShades Day 18 of 50 – Stephen Wells Sensational Business Coach Going with the flow
50daysofshades d18-i02
50daysofshades d18-i03
 50daysofshades d18-i04

What are you doing?

One of the big questions about this project is explained in more depth on Day 4

Interested in business coaching?

Posted in 50DaysOfShades.