Most days the title/topic is just a phrase that comes to me throughout the day. Sometimes before and sometimes after the photo and I just make a note of it (mentally, physically or verbally as a voice note) then I, mostly, leave it alone. Then, as I write (or record) something later a better/different title may come out and get used or change the direction of the post.
Today was a little different. It was gone 4pm and nothing particular had come to mind. So, I skipped the step of having something to write about and went straight to the ‘create the document’ step of my process.
I opened a blank document, copied in my default title format and post header and just looked at it. ‘hmm where to start?’ popped into my mind (in relation to the document). So added it as the title and started to explain where it came from, so here we are.
Lot’s of the work I do is helping people to move forward, to take the next step, to create something, to change something. It does not matter where we start as long as we do. The fact they have asked for support means it has started.
Start where you are.
Start getting into a routine. (Doing it regularly every day/week)
Start creating a process. (This is just the repeat of what you did/do, it makes it easier to restart next time)
But ultimately Just Start
What do you want to get started on?
#businesscoach #businesscoaching #getstarted #gettingstarted #keepmoving #juststart

What are you doing?
One of the big questions about this project is explained in more depth on Day 4