50daysofshades d60-i01

#50DaysOfShades Day 60 of 50 – Ebb and flow

Over the last few days, the energy I’ve had for 50days has been up and down.

This feels especially heavy as a) I’ve passed the ‘official’ 50 days, but want to carry on, and b) I have moved to only posting on my business page and Instagram. It feels like to keep going there ought to be lots of informative content straight away to prove the validity of continuing.

But this is a perfect example of why I am continuing. For thoughts and feelings to come up for me and be shared. For those feelings, maybe, to resonate with something you have going on and to be a mirror for or shine a light on them.

The important thing it to recognise the ebb and flow, to know that a pause or a step back (to create some space) is sometimes the best way to move forward.

The trick is recognising it as, or forcing it to be, a pause and catching it before it spirals backwards.

So, I will continue to post the photos and hold my hand up when it gets tough, as well as having a smiley face the rest of the time.


How often do you recognise/acknowledge the ebb and flow?


#businesscoach #businesscoaching #ebbandflow

50daysofshades d60-i01 Stephen Wells Business Coach

What are you doing?

One of the big questions about this project is explained in more depth on Day 4

Interested in business coaching?

Posted in 50DaysOfShades.