How can you the employer get better results from your employees?

Today I was sent a link by a very good friend of mine in Canada.

Jillian Walker has entered a video in the KPMG sponsored “Canada’s Top Employers for Young People 2010” competition.  She along with lots of other young people have created videos, explaining what motivates them, what they want out of the deal, Is it money? Is it holiday/vacation time? Is it? Is it?

Well there is no one answer, Sorry about that, John wants one thing, Sally another, Steve wants something different to  Jillian.

Have a look at Jillian’s Competition Entry and if you appreciate her views please vote, you need to register (it only takes a second) and you can vote once a day using the small ‘vote’ button top right on the video.

I think this competition is a great idea and am off to find out if there is anything similar in the UK.

If you would like to discuss how to get the best results from your employees, please feel free to contact me

Leadership can be for everyone

There are several version of this video on youtube. I was first sent it as an example of persistence, being convinced about what you want to do, knowing that you were right and that you already had a few people agreeing with you. With time (and numbers) your message would get out there, people would listen, and people would buy into it.

Watch the first video, (its only about 3 mins long) Make your own mind up about what is happening,

[morfeo_basic 1 /]

Now watch the second video, this has had a narrative added (not by me) based around the rolls of the people within it, who is a leader, who is the first follower that becomes the second leader.

[morfeo_basic 2 /]

So back to my thoughts,
Lead by example with true conviction to your cause.
Engage people that show an interest and keep them engaged.
Show gratitude to those that follow, and they will then be happy to lead for you in the future.

You will not stop using not, you will simply use it more appropriately.

‘Not’ is one of my pet hates. There is lots of information on when NOT to use it which I am about to add to, I also hope to help you when to use it. This applies to the things you say to yourself as well as the things you say out loud to others.

So the Science bit:

You will hear lots of people state ‘You (your unconscious mind) cannot process the negative inversion of the not therefore you have to consciously process the information, rather than just reacting to it’ huh, what?

Let me explain with some examples.

When you hear something you construct your version of it and act on that.

‘Leave Chocolate alone’ What images, sensations have you got going on? Personally I have a picture of a wrapped bar sat on the table. Very little else, sensation and emotions are missing from my picture. I have a very low level of engagement with it.  Do you have a desire for chocolate, probably yes, because the C word has been mentioned. However, you have the instruction to leave it alone so have probably disassociated yourself from chocolate already.

So, ‘Eat Chocolate’. What images, sensations have you got going on this time? Personally I have got a soft melting sensation in my mouth, I can almost taste it, my brain is relaxing waiting for the all the endorphins and loveliness to arrive.

Now, say ‘ Do Not eat chocolate’ – for you to do this you first have to create your earlier image of eating it, with all the sensations and longing and then scrub that out, and consciously delete it. Your mind can to this, it just needs a fraction of time, and while doing it, you have all the sensations which you then miss when you start to delete them.

If your first instruction creates a different positive image, you will hold that quicker and for longer and you know that you can leave chocolate alone.

Think of a summers day.

Some other examples that often get used.

‘Don’t think of a …‘  even before I finish it you probably have an image of a blue or pink elephant (whichever you have previously heard in this context). I have suggested you think of the elephant and you are now trying to think of something else. Have you replaced it with your summers day image? Hold that thought.

Onto the next example, A child runs over to you carrying a drink ‘Be careful with that cup, put it down over here’ positive instruction for a positive result.

Oh no someone beats you to it ‘Don’t DROP THAT’ you hear, what has the child just done in your picture?

Did you catch it in time, did they stumble but keep hold of it, or is there now a spilt drink and a crying child? Out of interest where is this all happening? Are they indoors or out? Why have you chosen that location?  Did you hold the thought of the summers day?

Everyone can process the not, and the next time you use one think about it after, especially if your outcome was different to what you expected. Maybe you could have given a better clearer instruction.

As I said in my title, You will not stop using not, you will simply use it more appropriately.

Take from this what you will untie the nots in what you say and get the results you were looking for.

I would like to give a couple of references:

Remember the Ice – Bob Nicoll

How to be a Complete and Utter Failure in Life, Work, and Everything – Steve McDermott   Book Audio

Personal Productivity

The main question about personal productivity is how do you know when you are doing well in your personal life?

I have for some time been having an internal battle with regards the word Performance, especially in relation to the personal side of life, this stems from a personal want or need to be natural about the things I do.  Performance to me has always had connotations of an Act, ‘to perform’ rather than ‘to be’.

This led me to a recent conversation where I realised that I wanted to help people be more productive, rather than increase their performance. To take the ‘Act’ out of the ‘Performance’ and focus on what and where they wanted to be.

So, have a quick look at yourself, are you a performer  (doing the things you do because they need to be done) or a producer, creating the things you want and striving to get more value out of the time you spend to get them? Once you have asked yourself this question you are on the road to increasing your personal productivity.

Once you have worked out which you are you can make a choice, after that you are responsible, you are in control and you have the power to be more. Now, what are you going to do next?

Feel free to let me know, or if you need some help just ask.