50daysofshades d57-i01 Stephen Wells Business Coach - Creativity

#50DaysOfShades Day 57 of 50 – Creativity

For years I went through life thinking I was not creative. I was not artistic or musical and that is what I thought ‘creativity’ was.

Then someone pointed out I have been creating systems and process for years and I was already writing and delivering workshops.


Where does your creativity show up?


#businesscoach #businesscoaching #creativity #berkshirebusiness

50daysofshades d57-i01 Stephen Wells Business Coach - Creativity

What are you doing?

One of the big questions about this project is explained in more depth on Day 4

Interested in business coaching?

50daysofshades d56-i01 - Stephen Wells – Where to start?

#50DaysOfShades Day 56 of 50 – Where to start?

Most days the title/topic is just a phrase that comes to me throughout the day. Sometimes before and sometimes after the photo and I just make a note of it (mentally, physically or verbally as a voice note) then I, mostly, leave it alone.  Then, as I write (or record) something later a better/different title may come out and get used or change the direction of the post.

Today was a little different. It was gone 4pm and nothing particular had come to mind. So, I skipped the step of having something to write about and went straight to the ‘create the document’ step of my process.

I opened a blank document, copied in my default title format and post header and just looked at it. ‘hmm where to start?’ popped into my mind (in relation to the document). So added it as the title and started to explain where it came from, so here we are.

Lot’s of the work I do is helping people to move forward, to take the next step, to create something, to change something. It does not matter where we start as long as we do. The fact they have asked for support means it has started.

Start where you are.

Start getting into a routine. (Doing it regularly every day/week)

Start creating a process. (This is just the repeat of what you did/do, it makes it easier to restart next time)

But ultimately Just Start


What do you want to get started on?


#businesscoach #businesscoaching #getstarted #gettingstarted #keepmoving #juststart

50daysofshades d56-i01 - Stephen Wells – Where to start?

What are you doing?

One of the big questions about this project is explained in more depth on Day 4

Interested in business coaching?

#50DaysOfShades Day 55 of 50 – And Breathe

After the last few days of heat today felt like a chance to breathe.

Waking up and my first thought being about something other than the heat.
Being able to get out in the fresh clean air, think clearly and walk more than 10 paces without sweating.

Fresh air – Fresh Ideas.


How do you feel, and what comes to mind, when you are able to stop and take a breath?

What would happen if you did it more often?


#businesscoach #businesscoaching #breathe #takeabreath

50daysofshades d55-i01 Stephen Wells Business Coach - and breathe

What are you doing?

One of the big questions about this project is explained in more depth on Day 4

Interested in business coaching?

#50DaysOfShades Day 54 of 50 – Anticipation

Along with half the UK I’ve been waiting all day for the weather to break and the rain to fall to help reduce the temperature.

It tried (and failed). I heard a few drops of rain and ran outside hoping to get my photo with loads of rain in it, but no. If felt like the drops were evaporating as they hit me, then it stopped.

About an hour later everything had a strange orange hue to it but still no rain.

What are you waiting for?

#businesscoach #businesscoaching #whatareyouwaitingfor #anticipation

50daysofshades d54-i01 Stephen Wells Business Coach - Anticipation
 50daysofshades d54-i02 Stephen Wells Business Coach - Anticipation

What are you doing?

One of the big questions about this project is explained in more depth on Day 4

Interested in business coaching?

#50DaysOfShades Day 53 of 50 – Being Proactive

A few examples of being proactive relating to #50DaysOfShades in my day today.

Firstly, I’m feeling the need to vary the pictures more. Not sure how this will go, setting up and taking photos from a tripod rather than in the hand is more time consuming and frustrating (using the timer). However, I’m sure that with a little more practice I’ll create some more interesting images (still with me and my shades in them)

Secondly, I think we have all noticed it’s hot. So, the location of todays photo was always going to be in the shade under some trees in an attempt to keep both me and the camera cooler while I ran backwards and forwards!

What are you doing proactively to improve the results you get?

#businesscoach #businesscoaching #beproactive

50daysofshades d53-i01 Stephen Wells Business Coach - Being Proactive
50daysofshades d53-i02 Stephen Wells Business Coach on Being Proactive

What are you doing?

One of the big questions about this project is explained in more depth on Day 4

Interested in business coaching?

50daysofshades d52-i01 - Stephen Wells - Keeping your cool

#50DaysOfShades Day 52 of 50 – Keeping your cool when those around you are losing theirs.

Over the next few days, we are going to see lots of news stories, and social posts about what could be extreme temperatures for the UK.

Lots of the reports will be about personal health or delays and damage to infrastructure (roads, rail and air).

But what I want to remind everyone is to look at how YOU respond to the heat and what changes you can/may need to make to improve both your state of mind, your health and your productivity.

Notice how you feel (tired, cranky, fuzzy, etc), adjust your schedule, allow a little extra time and check what is really a priority.

50daysofshades d52-i01 - Stephen Wells - Keeping your cool

What are you doing?

One of the big questions about this project is explained in more depth on Day 4

Interested in business coaching?

#50DaysOfShades Day 50 of 50 – What to do when you make a mistake

When I restarted this project 50 days ago, I knew I'd be making some mistakes and things would go wrong along the way. I wanted you to ensure that I shared some of those with you throughout the journey and here at the end.

As you've seen there have been a fair few of the days with a random photo or two (Which now make up todays selection) where either I don't look particularly great or are just completely messed up.

There have been spelling mistakes, formatting errors, tags that hadn't worked, posts not submitting correctly, sync issues and more. All of which I now mention now so you know (if you didn’t already) that it was not perfect.

The biggest mistake that I have made is not sharing them regularly on LinkedIn.

I wasn't 100% sure whether the format of what I was doing would sit well on LinkedIn. So had made the choice to only share the odd post, maybe one a week and I didn't get into the habit of doing that.

So here we are, with today's post going up on LinkedIn and I will now share the rest out of order at some point, maybe.

I mention all of this because mistakes are not something to hide from.

They're not something to be sought out either, but reducing the fear, shame and guilt associated with mistakes allows them to be rectified more quickly and encourages the discussion around how/why they happened. This helps implement steps to prevent them happening over and over.

What I've been doing here is acknowledging some of the mistakes and rectifying them (most the time).

Also, I’ve looked at how I can make less of them, what can I do each time to get a ‘better’ picture first time and putting that strategy into action.

Then looking at how bad mistake it was. (Such as not posting to LinkedIn)

To recap:

A – Acknowledge, accept

R – Rectify

S – Strategise

E – Evaluate.


Basically, I’ve been saying ARSE a lot!


So next time you make a mistake, or something goes wrong, say ARSE and implement it, before someone finds out and tears you a new one.

#Businesscoach #businesscoaching #embracemistakes #mistakes

P.S. Another post that completely changed due to the 2200 limit on Insta

50daysofshades d50-i01 Stephen Wells - make a mistake
50daysofshades d50-i02 Stephen Wells - make a mistake
50daysofshades d50-i03 Stephen Wells - make a mistake

What are you doing?

One of the big questions about this project is explained in more depth on Day 4

Interested in business coaching?

#50DaysOfShades Day 49 of 50 – Did anyone notice?

There are times when we do things, good, bad, funny, indifferent, profound, quickly, or slowly and we wonder if anyone will or did notice.

Sometimes we ourselves may not even notice the outcome, just the action.

When I restarted #50DaysOfShades I had some thoughts;
About what I would do
What I may write
How it would pan out
How I could explain some of the changes I experienced last time

And here I am on day 49 wondering if anyone noticed (last time or this time).

Did they notice the changes all that time ago?
Did they notice the days that I missed? (This year I have posted the photos consecutively whereas last time I had gaps but did 50 photos)
Did they notice … etc etc

And this time round did you notice when I did not write anything, and did that make a difference to if you liked or not?

The thing I have noticed most this time is the on the days I don’t know what to write but I at least start writing, something usable ends up appearing, whereas if I don’t think of a title, or a subject it’s easy not to create something.

I ask all these questions, here in this format, not because I think it matters (whether others notice), but to remind us all to check in with ourselves.

Are we doing things to be noticed?

Or are we doing them because they are worth doing?

And there are many reasons for doing things, and the value/worth that has to you and others, so always listen to what you feel has value.

Like working some ideas through in our heads, or getting a reminder from Facebook of what you were doing 7 years ago.

Which is where we get to the secret (no not the film). The secret about that photo I posted yesterday, taken on the day (as per the rules) just not in 2022, instead from 13th July 2013.

:Looks left: :Looks right:

Did anyone notice?

#Businesscoach #buisinesscoaching #noticethedifference

50daysofshades d49-i01 Stephen Wells Business Coach

What are you doing?

One of the big questions about this project is explained in more depth on Day 4

Interested in business coaching?