#50DaysOfShades Day 33 of 50 – Going further afield

Today I went out on my bike (as you know I usually walk) for the first time in a long time.

I went further, I ended up in a field. All joking apart it did provoke the theme for the day. Let me explain.

This morning, for a reason that is not relevant here, I had to dig my bike out. So decided to go out for a ride, rather than my usual walk. As the bike has not been used for a long time I did not know if I would just do my normal walking route (to test the bike) possibly having to walk it back with a flat tyre (as the had needed pumping up) or would I end up going further along the river?

I cycled across the green open space you have seen in previous pictures, across a little bridge and kept going. Not a route I would normally take when walking, and not one recognised doing before on my bike.

When I say not one I recognised, the grass was long with a clear track (the width of a car) through it ending up at some water, I wasn’t 100% sure where I was. I did not recognise it as the riverbank and assumed I was on the edge of a pond/lake so stopped to take my photo.

I even checked maps on my phone to see where I was, it said the riverbank, but I didn’t believe it. But it is not like I was ‘lost’ so continued and guessed I’d work it out and cut back to the river at some point. I didn’t cut back, I didn’t work it out, I didn’t need to. I was on the river all the time. So simply kept going. All the way down to the next lock, where it’s sensible point to turn around.

My first point is, there are times when using a different method (in this case of transport) allows us to go further. But it applies in many areas of life, if we are stuck, if we find a limit we don’t have to just push through. We can find new ways of doing things that will get us where we want to go.

My second point is, just because we don’t know where we are does not mean we are lost.


Where are you stuck?
What can you do differently?
Do you know where you are (metaphorically)?

#businesscoaching #businesscoach #Breakinglimits #GoFurther #neverlost

ps. not my boat

50daysofshades d33-i01 Going further afield. Steve Wells in shade by his bike

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One of the big questions about this project is explained in more depth on Day 4

#50DaysOfShades Day 32 of 50 – Finding the 3rd option

There are plenty of times in life when dealing with other people, either personally or professionally, that the two options on the table do not feel satisfactory to either party. And trying to do a bit of both (what most people end up doing when they talk about compromise) doesn’t really work either.

This is when we need to find the 3rd option, the something else that meets both the goals and does not devalue the original options.

Today was something like this. The weather didn’t know what it was doing, one minute pouring rain, the next bright sunshine. But both occurred while I was in the house working. By the time I was out and about it was just a bit dreary.  So, the photo was looking a bit nothingy.

At which point I made the choice to go for a 3rd option. A simple photo in the car. It fulfilled the need of taking a photo and gave me a topic all at the same time.

Questions for today.

Looking back, can you think of a time where you settled for a bad compromise? (ie where neither got what they wanted)
Can you now think of a 3rd option that would have satisfied both parties?

#businesscoach #businesscoaching #dontcomprimise #betteroptions #3rdoption


(as always one of the random pics that happened while taking the photo included)

#50DaysOfShades Day 32 of 50 – Finding the 3rd option

What are you doing?

One of the big questions about this project is explained in more depth on Day 4

#50DaysOfShades Day 31 of 50 – Appreciation.

#50DaysOfShades Day 31 of 50 – Appreciation.

Back on day 6 I wrote about recognising the resource around us, then yesterdays I wrote about looking at things differently.

Today for me was about appreciation (of these things).

Taking it a step further than simply recognising something, or looking at it differently, today I went fully into appreciating what those things give me.

Something as simple as the plants and flowers that people grow in their gardens along my road. A fruity pint of beer and the opportunity to just sit in the sun with nothing particular to do.

Different to Gratitude (giving thanks for), that has its place too. But to appreciate – recognise the full worth of.

Question for today:

You may already show gratitude for things, but do you really appreciate them?

#businesscoach #businesscoaching #gratitude #appreciation

#50daysofshades d31-i02 - Appreciation.
#50daysofshades d31-i03 - Appreciation.

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One of the big questions about this project is explained in more depth on Day 4

#50DaysOfShades Day 30 of 50 – Changing how you look at things.

Changing how we look at things is key to changing the outcomes we achieve.

Last night I was having a conversation with a friend about how when I’m out on my walks I try to do as much of the route as possible in bare feet. There is definitely something about walking in bare feet that makes me more aware of where I am walking (changes in texture, temperature underfoot etc). This simple practice is great for challenging the assumptions I make about what is / is not happening around me.

So today when I didn’t really want to go out for a long walk but wanted to get my daily photo I headed out with the thought of looking for a different place to take the photo.

Somewhere I’d normally walk straight past without even thinking and I picked this pretty grotty bridge which is fairly close to home.
I thought it could give an interesting frame for the picture, the green foliage contrasting curve of the mottled bricks that make the arch.

What outcome did all of this ‘looking differently change?’ you may ask.

Well as you can see from the third photo the dark clouds (that looked even darker with shades on) were closing in. Being able to achieve my goal sooner meant I was able to make it back home before they broke. Enabling me to remain dry.

Questions for today:

How do you challenge your own thinking?
Do you ever ask others to help you do it?
What outcomes are you looking to change in the next few weeks?

#businesscoach #businesscoaching #thinkdifferent #changetheoutcome


50daysofshades d30-i02
50daysofshades d30-i03

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What are you doing?

One of the big questions about this project is explained in more depth on Day 4

#50DaysOfShades Day 27 of 50 – Celebrate Success

Today’s theme of Celebrate Success was suggested by a friend. Probably as a joke, but hey I need something to write about so here we go.
Over the last month of so he has been working on the classic beetle he recently purchased. Problems with the exhaust, running rich and a bit lumpy. So he had to strip pretty much everything out of the engine bay to get to the problem heat transfer thing (I’m not a mechanic!).
On a couple of occasions I’ve ‘helped’ mainly moral support, but the odd bit of an pair of extra hands makes light work.
And today I got a message – “Beetle just fired up!!! First bloody time”
So took a walk around to his workshop expecting it all to be back together, but no still a few bits and the boot lid to go back on, so gave him a hand putting that back on and left him to the other bits.
Then came the message “About to do a small journey in the bug” so out we go for a quick drive around. (He looked so chuffed with himself that it was back up and running). Seeing how it runs, listening out of anything out of the ordinary.
All sounded good.
He is now ready to take it to a VW show this weekend where I’m sure he will have a little celebration (when it gets there and back) and I got myself an ice cream on the way home.


What have you done today/this week (big or small) that you can celebrate?
How are you going to celebrate it?
If you were to suggest a theme for the day what would it be?
#businesscoach #businesscoaching #CelebrateSuccess #vwbeetle
50daysofshades d27-i01 - Celebrate Success
50daysofshades d27-i04 - Celebrate Success - Steve Wells Business Coach in Sunglasses
50daysofshades d27-i05 - Celebrate Success - Steve Wells Business Coach with an ice cream

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One of the big questions about this project is explained in more depth on Day 4

#50DaysOfShades Day 25 of 50 – Little things that change your world.

Tying together a couple of things mentioned in previous days. Yesterday I mentioned the wild areas up at Reading Uni and on Day 11 I talked about creating the opportunities you are looking for.

In today’s photos we have two examples of where local people have done something to make their local environment brighter and more environmentally diverse.

The first photo of Newtown Community Garden, a space that has been co-opted by locals to be a managed wild garden. No Mow signs and allowing it to grow longer than normal, along with selective planting to encourage bees etc.

At the other end of the garden (pic2) is an example (one of many in the area) where the boring/ugly junction boxes have been painted. Some have themes, some have messages (pic3) some are just shapes. They are not painted perfectly but they have been painted with purpose, and it that that I notice in them. When they first appeared back in 2020 (I think) I actually made a point of looking for them and even now I’ll spot one I’ve not seen before (which makes me smile).

Questions for today:

What makes you smile on a regular basis?

What do you go out of your way to look for when out and about?


#businesscoach #businesscoaching #healthandwellness #businesswellness #spiritualbusinesses

#50DaysOfShades Day 25 of 50 – Little things that change

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One of the big questions about this project is explained in more depth on Day 4

#50DaysOfShades Day 24 of 50 – Lots of questions

The other day someone said one of my photos looked like the Reading University grounds. So took some time today to go and have a look around my old stomping ground. (1991-1995 doing a BSc in Biochemistry and Physiology).

I’ve been there plenty of times since I left but always for a reason, some good (helping advise one of the student groups), some not so good (getting grief counselling several years after my dad passed).

Today was the first time to just look around, see what has changed and feel what comes up. I always add in feel as it is how we experience what comes up rather than what we actually see that matters.

Studying in the labs at the School of Animal and Microbial Sciences, AMS, the building was one of the predominate features on campus with the new Microbiology wing just being completed next to it. Both of which are now tucked away behind new buildings, with AMS having been the host to a museum of Zoology, which has now been moved (but all the signs are still there), so not even sure if the building is in use.

There was a disappointment that the buildings (that represent something unknown to me, as I have no idea how well the department is doing these days) seemed neglected, passed over.

Then seeing a building I knew, but didn’t recognise. That was where I went for the counselling, the sticky plaster that helped at the time but didn’t heal anything. (There was/is a far longer story/journey for anything that actually helped). Maybe that was why I was drawn to go up there today (on Father’s Day) as it was at least admitting I was struggling was the start of that journey.

So I walked around and appreciated the nature (the campus was the biggest draw of coming to Reading). The big trees that were 27 years older now. The wild areas that have grown, that are being deliberately wildly managed.

And too many thoughts and questions came up to list here.

So question for today:

When did you last go back somewhere and how did you feel about it?


#Businesscoaching #businesscoach #revisitsomewhere

50daysofshades day 24 Microbiology and AMS buildings
50daysofshades day 24 i-02 - Steve Wells in Sunglasses with Reading Uni Library in background
50daysofshades d24-i05 - Tree Reading Uni
50daysofshades d24-i07 - Tree Stump Reading Uni

Interested in business coaching?

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One of the big questions about this project is explained in more depth on Day 4