7 Ways to Motivate Employees

We all know how important it is to keep ourselves motivated, but how do we ensure those in our businesses are as motivated as we are? I have written an article explaining the following 7 ways to motivate employees
1. Understand your own values.

2. Respect everyone.

3. Understand employee values.

4. Gain employee respect and trust.

5. Value your employees opinions.

6. Simply work out how to say “thank you”

7. Help employees plan their own future.


I felt it was so fundamental that I have made it an integral part of the site rather than just a blog post so follow this link  7 Ways to Motivate Employees to read the full article..

What final thoughts are you taking into 2012?

As I prepare for an evening out, the last of 2011, I hear the phrase

always account for variable change.

In  the context it was said, it was quite literally, ‘know the game you are playing, play the hand you are dealt and look forward to the things that ARE going to change’

As you reflect on 2011 and look towards 2012 always remember that things will change, everything does, if it did not you would get bored.

Ensure is that you account for these changes when formulating your dreams and know where they fit into your future. When you don’t see the change coming it is a surprise and then you are on the back foot. When you have considered the variables and how they impact your desired outcome you will have a better strategy to help you achieve your goal.

Enjoy 2012 and everything that it brings you

Be more than a statistic – Identify your value in the job market

With unemployment hitting at 17 year high (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-15271800) what can you do to ensure you keep your job or give yourself the best possible opportunity to get yourself one?

1- If you need a Job.

Firstly let me state that if you have recently left a job, this is a reflection on the current economic climate, the business you were working for and the resources they needed. You still have bundles of value to add to the right employer (even if you may not feel it at the moment).

You simply need to identify what you have to offer, which is likely to be things you consider ‘simply normal’ and make sure you present those to employers that need those skill and resources.


2- If you want to keep your job.

Have you got your head down, ducking the metaphorical bullets that you think are flying around? Making sure you look busy with a workload that 18months ago you would have done in a day rather than a week (and actually enjoyed it!)?
Yes there are likely to be less people in your department, yes you have more things being thrown at you, but are you honestly busier?

Is it that you are doing new things that are out of your comfort zone, doing things that you are not confident about and therefore they take you longer than even you feel they should?


Thankfully both of these situations have the same solution:

Work out what you are good at, what you enjoy, how you add real value to the work you do, what it is about the company or the job that you ‘buy into’.

Finding your passion and your value is easy with the right help it can be done face to face or via skype/telephone. Being asked the right questions will open your eyes to your untapped potential, engaging you in your job (or hunt for), freeing you from stress, allowing you to once again enjoy the work you do.

To find out more feel free to schedule a FREE call to discuss your situation.